Hi! I'm a PhD student in the CS Department at UC Santa Barbara, co-advised by Prof. Pradeep Sen and Prof. Misha Sra. I earned a double B.S.'s in CS as well as Applied and Computational Mathematical Sciences (ACMS) from the University of Washington.

I am broadly interested in Machine Learning, Computer Vision, and Human-Computer Interaction, with a primary focus on image generation and its applications.
Profile photo of Sherry X. Chen
Email: xchen774 [at] ucsb [dot] edu
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Thumbnail for SiCo

SiCo: A Size-Controllable Virtual Try-On Approach for Informed Decision-Making

Sherry X. Chen, Alex Christopher Lim, Yimeng Liu, Pradeep Sen, Misha Sra

arXiv, 2024

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Thumbnail for AID-AppEAL

AID-AppEAL: Automatic Image Dataset and Algorithm for Content Appeal Enhancement and Assessment Labeling

Sherry X. Chen, Yaron Vaxman, Elad Ben Baruch, David Asulin, Aviad Moreshet, Misha Sra, Pradeep Sen

ECCV, 2024

PDF | Code

Thumbnail for TiNO-Edit

TiNO-Edit: Timestep and Noise Optimization for Robust Diffusion-Based Image Editing

Sherry X. Chen, Yaron Vaxman, Elad Ben Baruch, David Asulin, Aviad Moreshet, Kuo-Chin Lien, Misha Sra, Pradeep Sen

CVPR, 2024

PDF | Code

Thumbnail for EChat

EChat: An Emotion-Aware Adaptive UI for a Messaging App

Radha Kumaran, Viral Niraj Doshi, Sherry X. Chen, Avinash Aji Nargund, Tobias Höllerer, Misha Sra

UIST, 2023


Thumbnail for Pair DETR

Pair DETR: Toward Faster Convergent DETR

Seyed Mehdi Iranmanesh, Sherry X. Chen, Kuo-Chin Lien

ICASSP, 2023


Thumbnail for PatchTrack

PatchTrack: Multiple Object Tracking Using Frame Patches

Xiaotong Chen, Seyed Mehdi Iranmanesh, Kuo-Chin Lien

arXiv, 2022


Thumbnail for IntoTheVideos

IntoTheVideos: Exploration of Dynamic 3D Space Reconstruction From Single Sports Videos

Xiaotong Chen, Misha Sra

UIST, 2021